Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Bikes, events and seasons
We have been busy here at IBJ. Holidays are approaching, the riding season just got nice again.
Gone are 100+°s. Summer is nice but we had too much summer. Beautiful cool mornings, lead into nice after noons and wonderful evenings. All perfect for riding.
The fall rallies are here. The big one coming up in Arkansas is Bikes, Blues and BBQ. It has been combined with the Bikes, Babes and Bling event created a couple of years ago.
100,000+ people come from all over for BBB. It can be compared to Sturgis on a smaller scale. Lots of BBQ, Bikers and tons of stuff to do inside of 5 days in Fayetteville Arkansas.
Iron Bear Jewelry was very priviledged this year to be invited by a friend who has a well established spot on Dickson Street. And we are beyond excited! We are saving our pennies to stock up on all of our biker jewelry. New customers, friends and contacts to be made. This will be our first trip there.
Before BBB is a HUGE pre-party in Rogers, AR. this weekend Sept. 22nd. At Pig Trail HD. BBQ brisket battle #6. Vendors and the battle will be right on Pig Trails parking lot. Come out and enjoy barbeque, hang out and see what is new for the fall season.
Iron Bear Jewelry's website has under gone many changes in the last few months. We have completely rebuilt our site. Tons of pages of stainless steel biker jewelry. Pages of rings, including 2 new pages of skull rings. Four pages of ladies stainless rings alone! Guys we did not forget about you. Three pages of mens bracelets, page of chains, 5 pages of stainless rings, which include our 2 pages of skull rings.
IBJ ships everywhere including internationally. It's alittle more expensive to ship outside the USA, so if your here have us ship it in the USA.
We also make club and organization jewelry. Rings, pendants, earrings, buckles for your motorcycle club or christian motorcycle ministry. Go here for this page
The Honda Goldwing conference in Oklahoma is coming up. October 5-6 in McAlester at the Expo Center. We will be there. Music, ride, shopping.
The Priesthood MM is having a swapmeet Oct 20 at God's Shining Light Church off of 169 and 11th St. Food, bike games, motorcycle parts swapmeet. IBJ will be there. https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/581617_4302200749834_876118152_n.jpg
The toy runs start in November. The first one is:
Nov. 4th in wagoner. It's at
SW corner of US-69 & SH-51
Wagoner, OK 74467. The ride ends at the Wagoner Community Outreach Center. Free meal (it's really really good!), door prizes, bike games, awards.
Nov. 11 The Goodwheel Riders have their toy run in Catoosa. At Rogers point park in catoosa. Lineup begins at 12.00. Leaves out at 2:00 pm. One unwrapped toy. Ends with food, 50/50 drawing and door prizes.
The Tulsa Toy run is Dec. 9th. It starts at the fairgrounds and is supposed to end downtown by the Blue Dome District. We are getting more information on this. They are also talking about vendors this year. As we get more info I will pass it on on our facebook page.
Check out our website: for new stuff. And updated events.
Ride Safe!
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